Top Painting Trends with Fred

Painting Trends

Spring is finally in full swing as the cherry blossoms here in D.C. are about to reach peak bloom. Looking around at all the bright colors, it’s no surprise that this season is a favorite for many. With all of this is mind, you may have noticed that your home doesn’t inspire as much as it used too when compared to the outside. Maybe it …

Fix Your Porch for Spring

Spring Yard Updates

The seasons take their toll on a porch, especially one as harsh as winter. With the snow melting and the flowers beginning to bloom, you may start to notice just how dull your porch looks in comparison. Now that it is finally warm outside, it may be time to make your porch shine again. Luckily for you, Fred is here to help you do just …

Top 8 Tools that Every Handyman Needs

Handyman Tools

If you are new to the handyman world, you may be wondering where to start. The amount of tools available can be overwhelming, and to a newcomer’s eye, a lot of them look the same. While all handyman tools have a particular purpose, there are some that you’ll find to be more useful than others.

Claw Hammer
A simple tool with a flat …