Spruce Up Your Yard for Spring

Spring Yard Updates

You know that April showers bring May flowers, but is your front yard warm-weather ready? All you need is a little creativity and planning. We have pulled together some of the easiest and most appealing ways to make your front yard stand out.
Get Planting
Brighten up your front yard with a few new bulbs. Choose to spend more time outdoors tending to a …

Spring Maintenance Checklist

Spring Checklist

Spring is here! Is your home ready? Our Fred consultants compiled a list of the most important spring cleaning and maintenance tasks to ensure that your house can weather the new season. Go through our comprehensive list below and see how many items you can complete by the end of the month!

Make sure your warranty has not expired
Look for cracks in …

Protect Your Home from Bugs


As spring begins, the biggest threats to the interior of your home are unwanted pests and insects. There are surefire ways to get rid of bugs once they arrive, but it would probably be best to prevent these uninvited guests from coming in altogether. We’ve outlined four tips and tricks to keep those pesky critters out of your home.
Spring Cleaning
If clutter is taking …