Top 8 Tools that Every Handyman Needs

Handyman Tools

If you are new to the handyman world, you may be wondering where to start. The amount of tools available can be overwhelming, and to a newcomer’s eye, a lot of them look the same. While all handyman tools have a particular purpose, there are some that you’ll find to be more useful than others.

Claw Hammer
A simple tool with a flat …

Allergy-Proof Your Home

HVAC Filter

Spring is on its way, and as most look forward to the warmth and blooming flowers, those with allergies run their homes for protection. The home is the best escape from the pollen and allergens, however; its protection is only as good as its reinforcement. Allergy proofing your home isn’t complicated, but it does require effort.
Keep Allergens Out
Before you begin focusing on your …

How to Inspect Your Home after a Winter Storm

Home Inspection

Winter storms spell trouble for our homes. The mass amounts of snow and dropping temperatures can cause severe damage, some of which you may not notice until it is too late. Whenever you get a chance, be sure to check the house for any potential issues. Here are some areas that you should inspect after a winter storm.
Roof & Gutters
The roof is directly …