
Dan Halpern

In professional baseball, the deception by a pitcher, whether he be a starting, set up or closing pitcher, is extremely important.  The pitcher’s ability to throw different pitches to the batter and deliver them as if they are the same pitch once leaving his hand is extremely important. Now anyone that knows me knows I am a longtime Nationals (Senators) baseball fan and because of that I am attempting to draw …

Preparing for a Remodel

Brian Knip team member

Every remodel comes with a lot of preparation. Not only on the part of the contractor, but for the clients as well. A lot of headaches can be alleviated if both parties take the time to plan ahead and know what to expect. I’ll explain how we can work together to make remodel preparation a streamlined and stress free process.
Personal items fill all of …

Keeping Up with Exterior Maintenance


Keeping up with exterior house maintenance can save costly repairs down the road.
It is important to not wait until your home requires a complete exterior paint job. Exterior paint ages at different rates depending on the direction the house faces.  To avoid costly wood rot repairs, use your painter like you use your HVAC technician. Once a year, ideally in the fall, have your painter …